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All of the software you see on this site was written mostly by me in my spare time and has been released under the most open license imaginable to the general public at no charge. The exception is Logwatch that has had very significant community contributions. I do have some minimal expenses, really just the annual domain name registrations, that I'd rather not come out of my pocket. If you use my software and can spare a few dollars, any donations will be greatly appreciated. I have many enhancements I want to make to my existing software and several other projects that have not yet been released but are in varying stages of development. The less time I have to spend bringing in money, the more time I have to work on them ;)

If you don't want to directly donate, but you are planning on making some purchases, you could shop at Amazon through my link and I'll get anywhere from 5 to 15 percent of your purchase:

In Association with Amazon.com

Alternatively, you should consider purchasing my book which covers AutoRPM and Logwatch as well as extensive coverage of GNU Cfengine and other automation techniques and tools:

  (click here for more info)

Although I have a full time job, I am always interested in doing projects on the side. If you have any enhancements to my software and are willing to pay even a little bit for my time, then I am very likely to make the changes for you. I can also do just about any software project for you and provide great quality for reasonable prices.

For more information, see my Resume and my Requests Page.

This page last modified Sun Nov 13 08:56:41 2005 Copyright 2010 Kirk Bauer